How do you reference cfa level 1?

Include your participation in the CFA program in the education section of your resume. A person is a candidate for the CFA designation if (the CFA Institute) has accepted the person's application to be a candidate for the designation, as evidenced by the issuance of a notification of acceptance, and (the person is registered to take a specific exam or if the person has taken a specific exam but the test results have not yet been received). The term “member of the CFA Institute” refers to “regular” and “affiliated” members of the CFA Institute who have met the membership requirements defined in the Statutes of the CFA Institute. This practice promotes consistent and accurate references to CFA Institute membership, CFA designation, and candidature for CFA designation.

If you no longer hold a CFA certificate, but are still in the labor market and want to prove on your resume that you once held a CFA certificate, you can do so. Candidates for the CFA designation can refer to their candidacy, but such references must clearly indicate that a person is a candidate for the CFA designation. Members and candidates can make statements about the relative merits of the CFA Institute, the CFA exams, or the Code and Standards, as long as those statements are implicitly or explicitly included in the speaker's opinion. If you have passed all three exams but have not yet completed the required work experience (4,000 hours), you can be eligible for something similar to having passed all three levels of the CFA Program and you may be awarded the scholarship once you have completed the required work experience.

Since he is not actively engaged in the investment profession, he does not file a full statement of professional conduct with the CFA Institute or pay his membership fees to the CFA Institute. CFA Institute preparation providers are prohibited from including official mock exam questions or any other question other than the end-of-reading question in their products and services. For example, a person who has passed Levels I and II cannot imply or claim to be “a partial CFA”. Yes, if you have passed level 3 of the CFA but are not yet a certificate holder (when you request one), that would be correct.

Yes, you can share your CFA designation on social media, but the CFA Institute has established different guidelines for various platforms. This is a violation of Standard VII (B) of the CFA Institute's ethical and professional standards, and the CFA Institute may sanction you for it. Except and only to the extent authorized or permitted by the CFA Institute, candidates for the CFA designation should never declare or imply that they have obtained a partial designation as a result of passing one or more levels of the CFA exam. If you hold a CFA certificate and are an active member of the CFA Institute, you can announce your CFA designation on LinkedIn.

Serena Lubahn
Serena Lubahn

Coffee specialist. Extreme food buff. Proud web expert. Hipster-friendly pop culture expert. Extreme social media specialist. Infuriatingly humble tv scholar.