How do you say you passed cfa level 1?

Type Exceeded Level 1 next to it with a hyphen. If you haven't yet completed the exam, write down the scheduled exam date. Type CFA Institute and the year in which you obtained the grade in parenthesis. Put it at the bottom of your skill list, along with any other certifications you may hold.

Please wait a moment and try again. Yes, you can share your CFA designation on social media, but the CFA Institute has established different guidelines for different platforms. If you no longer hold a CFA certificate, but are still in the labor market and want to prove on your resume that you once held a CFA certificate, you can do so. CFA Institute preparation providers are prohibited from including in their products and services simulated questions for the official CFA Institute exam or any other question other than the final reading question.

I don't usually post on LinkedIn very often (or on any social media platform), but passing level 1 is something I'm very proud of and would like to share with my network. Digital badges are a way for CFA program candidates and holders of CFA-accredited degrees to describe their accomplishments on LinkedIn. The CFA Institute encourages all statute holders to include their designations and candidates to show their participation in the CFA Program on their resumes, in accordance with the CFA Institute's Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. If you have passed all three exams, but have not yet completed the required work experience (4,000 hours), you may be eligible for something similar to having passed all three levels of the CFA Program and you may be awarded the certificate upon completing the required work experience. However, there is no publicly available information to show if passing the CFA Level 1 exam had any impact during hiring.

If you hold an active CFA certificate and are accredited by the CFA Institute, the guidelines for including your CFA designation in your resume are fairly simple. If you took the CFA Level I exam and failed it, you should not include that information in your resume. If you hold a CFA certificate and are an active member of the CFA Institute, you can announce your CFA designation on LinkedIn. You will also be asked to provide a description of the badge based on your current candidate status, for example, if you have passed Level I or Level II.

Serena Lubahn
Serena Lubahn

Coffee specialist. Extreme food buff. Proud web expert. Hipster-friendly pop culture expert. Extreme social media specialist. Infuriatingly humble tv scholar.